maandag 8 februari 2016

Wim Hof & Pain Acceptance

Een paar jaar geleden had ik het genoegen twee mensen halfnaakt over de hei te zien struinen.
Bij navragen bleken het studenten van Wim Hof.
Wim Hof maakte internationaal furore als 'the iceman'.
Een van hen was net gestopt met zijn rheuma medicatie. We hebben enige tijd staan praten bij temperaturen onder de tien graden.
Ze leken weinig last te hebben van de kou, maar gaven naar verloop van tijd wel aan weer te moeten gaan bewegen. Via hen kreeg ik een folder met de basistechnieken.
Ondertussen is deze openbaar te verkrijgen.

Ik berichtte een engelse vriend van mij het volgende over Wim Hof :
(ik zal dit te zijner tijd vertalen in het Nederlands)

You expressed an interest in Wim Hof.

I found this online for you:

It's basically an excerpt from his book "koud kunstje" (koud=cold kunstje=magic trick, in Dutch it means something that's easy) focussing on the technique.

There is a Dutch foundation called 'scepsis', which looks (very) sceptically at these kind of things.

They don't like Wim Hof much and don't like his association with anything esotherical and his somewhat erratic theories, but they cannot discredit the research and results. That's huge.

Scepsis feels he's the first to actually confirm mind over matter with regard to the immune system.
They do express doubt that this is something that can be learned if it's not taught by Wim Hof himself  (the so-called guru-effect, which is a placebo effect in disguise).

They have researched 12 of his direct students/'disciples', two of which I have met myself, walking almost naked on the heather in the fall a couple of years ago, one of them just stopped his rheumatism medicins and was doing quite well.
The Radboud-hospital (a well established hospital) concluded the disciples could influence their immune system as well.
They combated an injected harmless influenza strain and did significantly better than the control group, who weren't trained.

Seems he's really's on to something.

I use parts of his method (the breathing and don't bother much about the rest) to cope with the pain of the hernia and to get into a meditative state in a different posture that I was used to, but now cannot use because of the pain. It's great for that. Scepsis claims it's similar to Tibetan Gtummo-meditation, so that explains that. I used Indian breathing techniques before, the net effect for me is the same: flooding the system with oxygen, so that you can breath really slow, lowering the hart-beat.

Hope you can do something with it, if you want more, I can probably find it for you, but this is some nice basic info!

It's a good sign they are giving it away for free, like EFT. (Which I also still use for various purposes, together with Chronic Pain Acceptance Training I saw on "Re-design My Brain", on discovery which to me is very similar, because it uses an accepting and affirming mantra as well.)

The mantra for Pain Acceptance was:
-I can control the pain
-There is no need to control the pain (strangely worded in the negative, but hard to reword....)
-The pain is temporary.

Repeating this over and over for 10 minutes is reputed to lastingly reduce the reaction of the brain to the pain during the day. I cannot find any proof of this outside the TV-program..

I've managed myself to be put up with intense pain for short periods of time.

In this way, the pain has at least brought me something. It's a great, if somewhat harsh teacher.

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